Paper: An Exploration of Constructivist Learning in the Call Center Training Environment
Competency 2: Create Knowledge
Demonstrates ability to describe common research methods in Educational Technology
Demonstrates ability to read and evaluate Educational Technology research
Applies research findings to the solution of common problems in Educational Technology
To demonstrate this competency, I am including a copy of my final paper for EDCI 513. The topic of the paper was the use of Constructivist learning theory as applied in training for call center employees. The challenge in tackling this topic was that there is very little research specifically on the application of Constructivist methodology in this environment. There was a great deal of information about training in call centers and a great deal of research about Constructivist methods. So, to complete this paper required a great deal of creativity and analysis.
Demonstrates ability to describe common research methods in Educational Technology
The paper's literature review demonstrates this this ability. In conducting the literature review, I found a number of research papers exploring Constructivist methods in the classroom. The paper I relied on heavily was by Ozkal, Tekkaya, Cakiroglu & Sungur (2009). The authors applied an instrument called the Constructivist Learning Environment Survey (CLES). The quote from this paper that demonstrates my ability to describe common research methods is as follows: 'The survey measures students’ “perceptions of the frequency of occurrence of five key dimensions of a critical constructivist learning environment: personal relevance, uncertainty, critical voice, shared control and student negotiation” (Taylor, Fraser & Fisher, 1997 p. 296).' I realize I am quoting someone else in this statement, but one of the keys to understanding research methods is identifying what is being measured. I believe this statement reflects that understanding.
Demonstrates ability to read and evaluate Educational Technology research
Completing this paper required me to read a number of academic research articles. To gain enough foundational knowledge to begin any analysis, I read through at least 10 research articles. After reading these articles, I chose the most relevant articles and drew upon the instruments used to measure the existence of Constructivist methodology in the classroom. With this information, I use tables to show relationships between measures of Constructivist methodology in the classroom, Constructivist principles in general and evidence of those principles being used in call center training.
Applies research findings to the solution of common problems in Educational Technology
The tables I put together in this paper, specifically the tables on pages 11 - 12 that show the relationship between Constructivist methods and actual training activities demonstrate an ability to look at theoretical material and find its application in the "real world."