Online Courses Created in Captivate 9.0
Estimating Your Colorado PERA Retirement Benefit
This course was created for EDCI 569. The course is designed to teach members of a muli-employer pension plan about how their retirement benefit is calculated. A similar classroom-based workshop is offered throughout the state. This online course is meant to provide some of the content from the classroom-based version in a format that is accessible to plan members working in remote areas of the state or unable to get to classroom workshop due to work schedule or other factors. While working on this course, I learned a great deal - including the value of shorter online courses. This was my first effort using Captivate 9.0. If I were to revise this course, I would make multiple changes including creating multiple shorter modules rather than a single class as well as redesigning the course for greater interactivity and quicker pacing.
Click the link below to access the course:
Estimating Your Colorado PERA Retirement Benefit
Click the link below to access the course:
Estimating Your Colorado PERA Retirement Benefit
Defined Benefit/Defined Contribution Choice
The course below was created for EDCI 573. This was my Practicum project, a capstone course completed in my final semester to demonstrate my skills by designing and developing a course for a real-world company. This course was designed for implementation at a multi-employer pension plan. New employees at many of the participating employers have a choice between a traditional defined benefit pension plan in or a defined contribution retirement savings account as their primary means of funding their retirement. The course was developed in Captivate 9.0. While this course is a longer course like my first effort described above, I learned from my previous experience and took better advantage of Captivate's capabilities. To address the issue of course length, I added a bookmarking feature so that participants could pause the course and return at the point they exited the program. I also included more interactivity and dispersed the test questions throughout the course to provide more immediate reinforcement of the content. If I were doing this again, I would vary the type of interactive elements more. I used a lot of drag and drop elements which worked well for the content, but more variety would probably be more interesting to the end-user.
Click the link below to access the course:
Defined Benefit/Defined Contribution Choice
Click the link below to access the course:
Defined Benefit/Defined Contribution Choice